Galaxy Hair Ideas That Will Amazing You

Sunsets, twinkling stars, passing planets, full moon light, and red stormy clouds, these are the view of our mother planet, Earth. Galaxy hair gets inspired from the Milky Way and its color is amazing. Now, just check out my post and enjoy these amazing pictures.

Are you be shocked by these amazing Galaxy hair? Can’t help going to salon and color your hair? Before doing this, I have to remind you that hair dyes contain caol tar as well as cancerogenic substance which is bad for both hair and scalp.

Don’t be too worry, there is another to achieve this hairstyle. Have you ever heard hair chalking? It is a temporary option that you can color your hair in temporarily way. But every coins have two side, hair chalking also have its disadvantages, such as easy to fade out, rub against your clothing, and worked not so well on your hair.

How about hair weaves? Virgin Brazilian hair, Indian hair, Peruvian hair bundles, and Malaysian weave are all in virgin hair, its good quality can undergo any chemicals. So you can blanch or dye it into any colors you desire without enduring any terrible chemical agents.


There are three ways can be chosen from, endured chemical agents on your real hair, paint your hair with temporarily color, or just dying hair bundles. How to choose is up to you. But I think using hair weaves is the best option among this three way.



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